Monday, April 1, 2013

Some Birds of Canopy Lodge, Panama

Palm Trees in Panama City to set the mood...

Canopy Lodge is in El Valle De Anton..away up  in the mountains from the palm trees and coastal breezes. It is nestled in a rainforest where one can watch the birds at banana feeders from  the common areas, or from your own front porch..and of course, take hiking excursions to observe numerous avian species..
The "Directors Chairs" for birdwatching in the common area..

Tanagers, Euphonias and the ubiquitous Clay Colored Thrush.. "Robins"..were constant visitors at the feeders..

A rainbow of Tanagers 

Crimson Backed Tanager

Flame Rumped Tanager (male)
with Fulvous Vented Euphonia (female)
His mate.. Flame Rumped  female.

My favorite..The Blue-Gray Tanagers


Palm Tanager

Now a restful Clay Colored Thrush

Before the splash of colorful Euphonias

Thick Billed Euphonia

His mate

A juvenile
Another look at a Rufous Vented Euphonia..lovin' banana!

There is an endemic warbler..

Chestnut Capped Warbler

                                                      And one visiting from farther away..

Tennesee Warbler on Fire Bush

I feel prety! (A Rufous Mot Mot)

My what a big bill you have! (An Aracai came by)

Station Break

Red Tailed Squirrel

The rainy season was said to be a month away..but mother nature didn't see it that way..and the rains came..

Rufous Tailed Hummingbird on Verbena.

A soggy Red Legged  Honey Creeper

And his rainy day lady

Chestnut Headed Orependola..without an umbrella

By now you may be wondering if I left the director's chairs, or my front porch...Despite the rain, I did..but as any birder knows, rainy forests and flitting birds do not the easiest photo ops make.. 

Green Kingfisher on the river adjacent to the lodge.

A very busy Lineated Woodpecker

The best sighting was near a waterfall..a guide showed our group a Violet-Headed Hummingbird on her nest, with young..I went back w/ a tripod in the dreary evening, in between the rain drops and waitied for her return..the pictures weren't the best, but it was an absolutely thrilling moment..and so I am sharing..

Waterfall from the bridge.
The nest was in the deep shadow on the near left

All the birds were not at the lodge..In fact there is a whole book about the birds of Panama City..and so I leave you with two of  of my favorite Panama City sightings..

Brown Pelican in breeding plummage, in the Panama Canal

A female Barred Antshrike.. April Fools!

Destroying a rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal~ E.O. Wilson